Wag 'n Bietjie

Unveiling of Memorial Benches.

Spek en Boontjies

A discussion by Warren Conrad, Michael Weeder, and Dougie Oakes.

Marine Exhibition

An exhibition launch and environmental expo.

Museums Inspiring the Future

An introduction into the world of Wikipedia.


Be a part of making and rewriting history.

The Snoekie Market

The very first community market and special performance by Dutch Collective 'Sites of Memory. '

WikiAfrica Heritage

Be a part of making and rewriting history.

WikiAfrica Heritage

Be a part of making and rewriting history.

Heritage Day 2021

Be a part of creating a living archive of Simonstown.

History Competition

Commemorating Simon’s Town History creatively and critically.

WikiAfrica Heritage

Be a part of making and rewriting history.